The Attic Room a leading Retail and Design Agency providing a bespoke full agency service to premium beauty and technology brands worldwide.
Retail Design, Design, Design Agency, Premium Beauty Market
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#retailtechnology Tag

IoT, VR, AR,…IDK! A great example of digital interaction with a ‘lift and learn’ wall where consumers can connect with the product and fixtures to create a multi-sensual experience. [vc_video link='https://player.vimeo.com/video/298984353'] image courtesy of Visual Image Displays Will technology change retail on the High Street? The current hope is that in-store technology can save our bricks and mortar shops. The plan being, to make the in-store shopping experience easier while being more personalised, convenient and fun. Retailers are learning what works…and what doesn’t. Recent years have been an experimental time with both brands and retailers trying out new ways to increase revenue by introducing technology to compete with...