The Attic Room a leading Retail and Design Agency providing a bespoke full agency service to premium beauty and technology brands worldwide.
Retail Design, Design, Design Agency, Premium Beauty Market
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Jewellery - online or in-store? In sectors where quality and trust are essential in the decision-making process, there are times when shopping online doesn’t fulfil everyone’s needs. For example, jewellery, there is no alternative to seeing the item that you are intending to buy and trying it on. Customer loyalty is...

IoT, VR, AR,…IDK! A great example of digital interaction with a ‘lift and learn’ wall where consumers can connect with the product and fixtures to create a multi-sensual experience. [vc_video link=''] image courtesy of Visual Image Displays Will technology change retail on the High Street? The current hope is that in-store technology can...

While the news is filled with stories about the decline of the high street, a different retail sector is currently flying high. The travel retail market is growing There has been a steady increase in international tourism since 2010 and this upward trend is predicted to continue over the next 12...

Every marketing expert tells us that personalisation is the big focus for today’s brand. It is no longer a question of whether to personalise, but how. This is particularly true when reaching younger consumers, plugged into social media platforms where ‘selfies’ and novel personal experiences are highly prized. The...